Perry Mason (HBO) .

#PerryMason (#HBO)

Terrifically entertaining, especially the early LA-PI-noir stuff, and the later courtroom drama is agreeably comforting. G*d bless HBO and its production values, this thing looks like tens of millions of bucks!

Give the casting director a raise, this has to be one of the better ensembles put together in recent Cable TV memory: Lithgow, Whigham, Rankin, Taylor, Root, Chalk, Falcon, Howard, Lange, Patrick, Mays, Corddry(whew!)…but, yeah, I've resisted the Rhys hype-train(is that what the kids call it😜?) so far, but between this and A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood, maybe it's time for me to finally check out #TheAmericans😂? And, dude, Maslany, her post-#OrphanBlack bump was way too short, hopefully her stirring performance here will make Hollywood take another look. But, gotta say, the MVPs are Rylance and the great Blanchard👍

Totally looking forward to Season 2!

PS. Anyone else miss #BoardwalkEmpire😭?

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#RobertDowneyJr(yes, that #RDJ!) #RonFitzgerald #RolinJones #TimothyVanPatten #TerenceBlanchard
#MatthewRhys #TatianaMaslany #JulietRylance #JohnLithgow #SheaWhigham #GayleRankin #LiliTaylor #StephenRoot #ChrisChalk #VeronicaFalcon #AndrewHoward #EricLange #RobertPatrick #JeffersonMays #NateCorddry #JustinKirk #GretchenMol
@hbo @perrymasonhbo


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