Quo Vadis, Aida? .
Holy [Bleep]! Holyyyyy [Bleeeep]!
Shattering, devastating, unflinching, blood-boiling, nerve-racking cinematic triumph that will have your heart thumping out of your chest until the bitter end…and then the epilogue will splinter it into a million pieces.
Look, I know, I know, when you're dealing with subject matter such as this, it's a little, uh, crass, to discuss the craftspersonship behind it, but it is a movie, after all, so… my goodness, *stunning* writing and directing by young Zbanic(give her *all* the #Oscars), distilling something as massive as this historical backdrop into something as universally relatable as the travails of a single family all the while keeping you in the loop of all the machinations going on, or more accurately, *not* going on behind the scenes by the powers-that-be.
It's all aided by the precise editing, deliberately, and inexorably building up to the ending. And the cinematography: textured, well-lit, meaningful closeups and insert shots. And, of course, the all-too authentic production design. Like I said, an #Oscar for each and everyone.
And the acting, so many great performances amongst the ensemble: the feckless Heldenbergh, the terrifying Isakovic, the warmhearted Bajrovic & Ler, but ultimately the film belongs to the redoubtable Djuricic. She's there from beginning to…well, no spoilers here, but she is the human heart at the center of it all, pulling you through it all. Hopefully, she snagged all the festival awards because g*d forbid the Oscars extended her a thoroughly-deserved nomination without an all-expenses-paid FYC campaign to support her.
Man, the more I think about it…stunning, simply *stunning*!
One of those movies that will stay with you for a long, *long* while and will make you ask that eternal question: how could this be allowed to happen?
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#JasmilaZbanic #ChristineAMaier #JaroslawKaminski #HannesSalat
#JasnaDjuricic #BorisIsakovic #JohanHeldenbergh #IzudinBajrovic #BorisLer #EmirHadzihafizbegovic
@quovadisaida @jasmilazbanic.official @superltdfilm @hulu
Holy [Bleep]! Holyyyyy [Bleeeep]!
Shattering, devastating, unflinching, blood-boiling, nerve-racking cinematic triumph that will have your heart thumping out of your chest until the bitter end…and then the epilogue will splinter it into a million pieces.
Look, I know, I know, when you're dealing with subject matter such as this, it's a little, uh, crass, to discuss the craftspersonship behind it, but it is a movie, after all, so… my goodness, *stunning* writing and directing by young Zbanic(give her *all* the #Oscars), distilling something as massive as this historical backdrop into something as universally relatable as the travails of a single family all the while keeping you in the loop of all the machinations going on, or more accurately, *not* going on behind the scenes by the powers-that-be.
It's all aided by the precise editing, deliberately, and inexorably building up to the ending. And the cinematography: textured, well-lit, meaningful closeups and insert shots. And, of course, the all-too authentic production design. Like I said, an #Oscar for each and everyone.
And the acting, so many great performances amongst the ensemble: the feckless Heldenbergh, the terrifying Isakovic, the warmhearted Bajrovic & Ler, but ultimately the film belongs to the redoubtable Djuricic. She's there from beginning to…well, no spoilers here, but she is the human heart at the center of it all, pulling you through it all. Hopefully, she snagged all the festival awards because g*d forbid the Oscars extended her a thoroughly-deserved nomination without an all-expenses-paid FYC campaign to support her.
Man, the more I think about it…stunning, simply *stunning*!
One of those movies that will stay with you for a long, *long* while and will make you ask that eternal question: how could this be allowed to happen?
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#JasmilaZbanic #ChristineAMaier #JaroslawKaminski #HannesSalat
#JasnaDjuricic #BorisIsakovic #JohanHeldenbergh #IzudinBajrovic #BorisLer #EmirHadzihafizbegovic
@quovadisaida @jasmilazbanic.official @superltdfilm @hulu