House of Gucci .
Terrific, rip-roaring high-camp/comedy(campedy?) yet-somehow-heartfelt-and-earnest never-not-entertaining Shakespearean-tragicomedy fun!
G*d bless the great Scott, seriously. Already a first-ballot HOF-er, and the dude keeps going at pace that would flatten most other human beings, hopping from one genre to another, and just when you think you've seem him all, he'll throw a curveball like this future cult classic at you. Brava, my man, brava(or is it bravo🤔? My movie-Italian is a bit rusty🤷♀️)!
On one side of the ledger you have the actors playing it straight: Huston, the great Irons, the ever-reliable reluctant s*x-symbol Driver. On the other you have, Hayek, and, Pacino, just, well, ya know, Pacino-ing up a storm, Leto in a(nother?!) you-have-to-see-it-to-believe-it ultra-performance.
And then you have the one, the only, sui generis(🤓) force-of-nature Gaga. There's no way this whole thing would've worked without her *complete* commitment. Hello #Oscars(again!)
TBH, of course, had a very reasonable take: "real people living caricaturised lives." Either way, you won't have a more fun time at the movies this year!
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Ridley Scott Janty Yates Arthur Max
Lady Gaga Jared Leto Jeremy Irons Al Pacino Adam Driver Jack Huston Salma Hayek Camille Cottin
@houseofguccimovie @ridleyscottcg @mgmstudios