The Batman .


Best (Non-#BTAS/#Nolan/#TimBurton) #Batman, Ever! Also, Longest Batman, Ever!

Chris Nolan gave #TheLongHalloween the #MichaelMann remix, and Reeves follows in his *massively*-large footsteps giving #BatmanDarkVictory the #DavidFincher remix. 

And boy, does Reeves direct the holy h*ll out of this movie. Try not to think too long and hard about tiny details like plot, motivation, character, detective work, human behaviour, strategy, narrative momentum, etc., instead marvel at the IMAX-sized ambition in full display here, filled with one awesome shot after another. As for what exactly those discrete shots add up to…uh, look I'll leave that up to far smarter minds than myself to unpack. Speaking of unpacking, what was the budget line item for rain machines?! I haven't seen this much nighttime neon rain since #BladeRunner!

The big names in the ensemble have a *ton* of fun: Farrell(TBH's favourite, because, of course he is🙄), Wright(TBH: "But, what does it mean?!"😂), Sarsgaard(terrific change of pace), Serkis(more please!).

Gotta say though, Kravitz was pretty cool, even if the way her character is treated is, well, like I said, I'll leave that up to people smarter than myself to unpack. 

And, yeah, Pats makes a pretty broody Bats!

Tech credits, as they say, is aces across the board, including the turn-the-bass-up-to-11 sound design, Fraser's rain-drenched, orange-tinged work(that base-jumping sequence😲!), but, dude, MVP to Giacchino, who does all the tonal heavy lifting! Give him *all* the #Oscars now! Speaking of, was uh, #DannyElfman Burton's MVP all along😲?!

And, massive, massive kudos for who(m🤔?)ever put the stinger/franchise-extender *before* the end credits, after all how many civilians would stick around for end credits after three hours😲?!

PS. "Thumb drive" Bat-humour!😂

PPS. Talk amongst yourselves: So, uh, when you actually think about it, what does Batman actually, ya know, actually *do*?!

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Matt Reeves Michael Giacchino Greig Fraser
Robert Pattinson Zoe Kravitz Colin Farrell Jeffrey Wright John Turturro Paul Dano Andy Serkis Peter Sarsgaard Con O'Neill 
Holy Spoiler, Batman!: Barry Keoghan
@thebatman @wbpictures @mattreevesla



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