Totally Under Control .


Like one of those dystopian Hollywood thrillers where a mysterious virus threatens the world and it's up to a few brave people to risk it all and cut through the hogwash and save the world…except it's true😳…& we're not yet saved😱!

Another eye-opening, informative, impeccably-crafted, nerve-jarring documentary from Gibney, the hardest-working man in the doc bizness(&, dude, he's turned it from an eat-your-veggies endeavour into a self-sustaining *business*[man😂], well done!).

Look, AG's really set the tech standards for documentaries(to the point where it's sorta intimidating for the rest of us😬?!), but man, does he outdo himself here, coming up with all kinds of doo-dads(I think that's the technical term for them) to try and film this in the middle of a raging pandemic. And wait, did I see an updated version of #ErrolMorris's famed #Interrotron? Seriously, kudos to the team for pulling this all off.

Great stuff, terrifying, sure, but great!

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#AlexGibney #OpheliaHarutyunyan #SuzanneHillinger
#RickBright #MichaelShear #TaisonBell #MaxKennedy


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