Message from the King (2017) .

#TBT so how about a #Throwback Movie? 😁

#MessageFromTheKing (2017)

Terrific, down-and-dirty, gritty, sleazy, violent, LA-neo-noir directed with stylish panache and centered on a remarkably contained, yet furious lead performance by Boseman.

This is the kind of thing that blows up an algorithm, right? That neverending parade of quickie, cheap, indie B-action all starring well-known actors, all featuring well-trod tropes, all made for a price, all turn a quick profit before moving on to the next one (I've probably seem them all🤣!)…how do you tell the algorithm that no, this one's a step above?

You say, look at the cinematography, wow, instead of the usual-usual flat-digital turn-the-gain-up stuff we get texture, we get quality, we get, dare I say it, some cinema? *Massive* kudos to Lenczewska. You say, hear the music, this hasn't been dashed off on someone's Mac just to fit the post schedule. You say, look at the flair and tersely stylish direction by genre specialist Du Welz (dude, where's his #MCU movie?!), hinting at the other side of LA we don't often see portrayed (and no, I'm not talking about the monsoons😂!) You say, look at that cast, stacked full of our favourite known actors and just as many piquant unknowns. You say, man, that monologue by Palmer, that's all of our experiences in the City of Angels, no?

And, finally, you say, the man at the center of it all, brimming with a nearly-silent assured, simmering charisma, who grounds the whole thing, who keeps you watching from first frame to last, you say, he is the real deal, keep your eye on him, he's going places…

[Spoiler Alert!] TBH was right, the tattoo explains everything!
[Spoiler Alert!!] #ThreeKings!

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#FabriceDuWelz #MonikaLenczewska(🎥👏👍👌) #VincentCahay
#ChadwickBoseman #LukeEvans #TeresaPalmer #AlfredMolina #NatalieMartinez #TomFelton(#DracoMalfoy!!!!) #DaleDickey #TomWright #JonnyCoyne and many, many, many more!


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