The Broken Hearts Gallery .


Delightful…just bl**dy delightful!

Best #GenZ-Rom-Com-That-I-Was-Already-Vibing-With-And-Then-Don't-Go-Breaking-My-Heart-Just-Put-It-Over-The-Top-Starring-A-Scene-Stealer-Who-Gets-Her-Own-Rightful-Mainstream-Spotlight-All-The-While-Sharing-It-With-Fellow-Scene-Stealers-All-Nicely-Put-Together-By-A-First-Time-Writer-Director-Aided-Immeasurably-By-The-Spotify-Definition-Of-Perfectly-Breezy-RC-Music, Ever!

Seriously, that kid Vishy(c'mon, ya know that's her #desi petname😂) just absolutely stole #Blockers and you were thinking, ya know, if only Hollywood would…but ya know what, Hollywood did, can you believe it, Hollywood *did*! Kid's just had a spectacular, (if slightly-oxymoronic)under-the-radar, rise up the ranks (supporting in TV series, supporting in indie high-profile TV movie, starring in indie film) and wow, her own starring role in a mainstream romantic comedy…without too much sturm-und-drang about her ethnicity, she's just one of the group. As I live and breathe… 👍

Speaking of scene stealers, that kid Gordon's been doing a lot of her own…maybe Hollywood can put her on her own GW-career-tenure-track 🤩

Wait, was the movie low-key subversively about mental health?! "Celebration of memories…or hoarding?" 😲 Talk amongst yourselves…

"Pain, dear, is inevitable, it's what you do with it that matters…" yes ma'am🙏!

PS. "Memorialise *every* second of *every* day"… too close for comfort, dude😬!

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#NatalieKrinsky #GenevieveVincent(#DeanWareham would be sooooo proud!) #SelenaGomez(yes, *that* Selena Gomez…producer!)
#GeraldineViswanathan #MollyGordon #BernadettePeters #DacreMontgomery(#StrangerThings!) #PhillipaSoo(#Hamilton!) #ArturoCastro #UtkarshAmbudkar #EgoNwodim #SukiWaterhouse #RoyChoi
@brokenheartsgallery @sonypictures #BrokenHeartsGallery


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