Color Out of Space .



In the ever-expanding *infinite* universe of #NicCage DTV quickie gonzo* B-movies this is in the *very* upper percentile!

Absolutely *tremendous* DP/compos/prod design-ing, especially when you consider the limited budget.

Speaking of gonzo…yeah NC's full-bore awesome, but gotta say, the kids are definitely all right: Arthur, Meyer, Hilliard(creepy😱!), & esp. Knight who shows some real laid-back star charisma.

And, man, that's some super-stylish directing from Stanley…poor chap hasn't made a feature in like 25 years…I understand that Hollywood's a quirky place, and that the career vicissitudes in said mythical place can be quite whiplash-inducing, but man, is this nuts…*25* years?! My goodness…hopefully this will resuscitate what should a fabulous directing career. C'mon #Marvel, don't be ageist, give him a call!

Somewhere, the great #JohnCarpenter is beaming with pride!

* At this point they should just add "gonzo" to NC's name, no?, oooh…how about a new #SesameStreet character🤣!

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#RichardStanley #SteveAnnis #KatieByron(🤭👏!!!!!) #ColinStetson
#NicolasCage #JoelyRichardson #TommyChong #ElliotKnight #MadeleineArthur #BrendanMeyer Julian Hilliard and #Q'oriankaKilcher(who really should've been given more to do!)


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