On the Rocks .


Sofia & Bill together again - be still my twee, indie heart!

Fun, sweet, slightly sad, hangout movie, and really, who better to hang out with than Murray oozing his trademark charm, and Jones, oozing her trademark wary, winning warmth…and #NYC, oozing its trademark for-those-in-the-know-and-that-doesn't-include-you-invisible-velvet-rope vibe. But, yeah, TBH was right (as always!)… Slate kinda stole the show😲!

And, dude, lookit Phoenix, if they're not careful they might just have a #DeanWareham-esque second career scoring rueful NY-indie-ish films with their trademark catchy indietronica(TM?) sounds🤗.

Can you imagine #LostInTranslation was, wait for it… 17 years ago🙀?! Oof, what a run we were in back then… one awesome indie movie after another, one awesome indie band after another, and in those perfectly synergistic indie times, sometimes we would get one awesome indie movie soundtrack after another. Man, life sure was full of indie possibility back then…wistful (indie) sigh…☺️

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#SofiaCoppola #Phoenix(yes, *that* Phoenix - be still TBH's heart!) #PaulShaffer(yes, apparently *that* Paul Shaffer!)
#BillMurray #RashidaJones #MarlonWayans #JennySlate #JessicaHenwick
@AppleTV @a24


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