Roadrunner: A Film About Anthony Bourdain .


Decorous, well-mannered retrospective of a decidedly un-decourously-well-mannered if-he-wasn't-real-they'd-have-to-make-him-up-larger-than-life-all-too-human character.

By now, Neville's a pro's-pro at this sorta thing, and he deploys his usual skill with great efficiency to bring Bourdain's remarkable life into (soft)focus. If you're searching for answers, look elsewhere(as one almost always must), if you want to be reminded of why you were such a fan in the first place, then, well, this is as good a place to start as any.

I was lucky enough to have seen Bourdain live once, and he wasn't what I was expecting. Yeah, he was blindingly charismatic, yeah, everyone's eyes turned to him, but he wasn't the take-charge/no-prisoners, garrulous, suck-up-all-the-oxygen(boy, would he have hated this writing😬!) look-ma/at-me star the Q&A crowd had become accustomed to. Instead, he was thoughtful, funny, charming, but always happy to cede the floor/spotlight to his team, and it was very much a team-effort, and make sure they got their hosannahs?bouquets?pearls?. In fact, dare I say(well, that's what he always did, no?, dare), there may have been a hint of melancholy around him…

Of course, I'm projecting, that seems to be what everyone is doing in the film, and what everyone did with him, project our platonic(?) ideal of the ideal life on to this man, never truly realising what toll this ideal life may have been taking on him all along.

PS. I'm obviously not a psychologist, but it seems to me that you cannot blame someone for a choice someone else made, even by passive-aggressive inference, that's a bit unfair, no?

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#MorganNeville #EileenMeyer #AaronWickenden
#AnthonyBourdain #EricRipert #LesHalles
@roadrunnermovie @focusfeatures


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