
Showing posts from 2021

Jockey .

#Jockey Wonderful, just bl**dy wonderful! *Exactly* the kind of little gem that makes you believe in cinema amidst all of this doom and streaming gloom. Artfully directed by kid Bentley, the kid *really* has the goods; better enjoy him now before *every* CU comes calling. I have no idea what the budget was on this, but however small it was, the entire crew just made the holy h*ll outta it! *Tremendous* handheld, rhythmic DP-ing, *this* is how you do digital cinematography - with texture, light, and most importantly, soul. Wonderful, lived-in production design, beautiful, subtle sound design, and a fantastic score from TBH's favourite #TheNational, er, I mean, the Dessner Bros. They should all just form their own repertory company and make every movie together from here on out! An ensemble is key for films like this, for max verisimilitude, and the one here definitely rises to the occasion, highlighted by Cormier, the always-great Parker, and the surprise Arias, where did they find ...

Spider-Man: No Way Home .

#SpiderManNoWayHome Best (Non-#SamRaimi Live-Action)#Spiderman, Ever! Absolutely, *terrific*, #SpiderManIntoTheSpiderVerse live-action "remake" fun! The gang's (almost)all here: brooding Haden Church, cynical Ifans, fun Foxx, the great, tragic Molina, and, of course, the one, the only Dafoe. The movie just *crackles* to life when he's on screen… dang! Gotta bring him back for some more of these meta-multiverse adventures…wait meta multiverse, so… metave… nah, not going *there*😬! And give it up for the central troika of Holland, Zendaya, and Batalon, imagine the weight of an *entire* industry resting on their young, winning-chemistry shoulders😲! Well done kids! But, man, Standing O to Series MVP Tomei, the emotional heart at the center of it all👏! Speaking of the multiverse(s🤷‍♀️?), how many are there really: #Marvel-CU, Sony-CU, Netflix-CU, Disney+-CU… any other corporate-verses I'm leaving out🤔? Where's a Wall Street analyst when you need them? So, in Sp...

West Side Story .

West Side Story Wait, *the* #Spielberg directed a remake of my (grand/)parents' favourite musical?! Be still my beating heart! The great director updates some of the more, uh, fraught elements of the (still pretty legendary, just so, ya know, we acknowledge the, uh, fraught elements)original.  At this point, we know all the songs, and here he switches them up cleverly, so it's not just a dutiful remake, making it his own. And, c'mon, who does kinetic cinema better than him? Peck fills the *impossible* shoes of Jerome Robbins well with the updated choreography. The leads do their best to fill the, uh, leads, but keep an eye on Alvarez, Andres Rivera, and Menas, who fill in admirably for the originals. But, manohmanohman, how about Faist and DeBose, who steal the show; pretty impossible given who the originals were, man, let's hope this is only the beginning for them🤩! But, dudes, hello?, Moreno, my g*ds, she just strolls in and takes command, and, boy, when Spielberg sw...

West Side Story (1961) .

#TBT so how about a #Throwback Movie? 😁 #WestSideStory (1961) How do you solve a problem like the original West Side Story? How do you look at a 1961 film already fraught with its subject matter of fraught race relations, that itself falls prey to the fraught nature of race representation, through a 2021 lens when race relations and representation are still, uh, fraught? No earthly idea. All I can say is if you can acknowledge how the Sharks were represented on screen back then, and how, ya know, *ridiculous* it seems now, and still somehow acknowledge the incredible craft on display, well that's a start, no? The *legendary* songs! That opening! That whole violence-as-dance choreography. Those #Technicolor sets, those costumes, that #70mm DP-ing, that editing, the directing, the acting…I mean, it's all pretty incredible. For whatever reason Wise never gets talked about in the pantheon of American directors, but you only have to see the breadth of his career to see how great he...

House of Gucci .

HouseOfGucci Terrific, rip-roaring high-camp/comedy(campedy?) yet-somehow-heartfelt-and-earnest never-not-entertaining Shakespearean-tragicomedy fun! G*d bless the great Scott, seriously. Already a first-ballot HOF-er, and the dude keeps going at pace that would flatten most other human beings, hopping from one genre to another, and just when you think you've seem him all, he'll throw a curveball like this future cult classic at you. Brava, my man, brava(or is it bravo🤔? My movie-Italian is a bit rusty🤷‍♀️)! On one side of the ledger you have the actors playing it straight: Huston, the great Irons, the ever-reliable reluctant s*x-symbol Driver. On the other you have, Hayek, and, Pacino, just, well, ya know, Pacino-ing up a storm, Leto in a(nother?!) you-have-to-see-it-to-believe-it ultra-performance. And then you have the one, the only, sui generis(🤓) force-of-nature Gaga. There's no way this whole thing would've worked without her *complete* commitment. Hello #Oscar...

Ghostbusters: Afterlife .

#GhostbustersAfterlife D*mn good #TheGoonies-meets-#Tremors fan-service YA fun! Look, we *all* agree, #Ghostbusters was awesome, and I thought the sequel was fun, and the 2016 reboot was entertaining, so let's not get into that *whole* thing😬… Instead, let's all enjoy this enjoyable 80s homage, the underused Rudd(dude rocks!), the awesome kids: the one from #StrangerThings, the plucky local, the really gifted actor from, uh, Gifted, and that Podcast one who utterly and completely steals the show! Where did they find him?! Kid's gotta a bright future ahead of him…best of luck kid! PS. Boy, Oklahoma sure has gotten a lot more diverse, huh👍? [Spoiler Alert!] For Harold🥺 - - - Jason Reitman Logan Kim Mckenna Grace Paul Rudd Finn Wolfhard Carrie Coon Celeste O'Connor          Bokeem Woodbine Shohreh Aghdashloo JK Simmons Annie Potts Dan Aykroyd Bill Murray Sigourney Weaver Ernie Hudson Josh Gad … Harold Ramis @ghostbusters @jasonreitman @sonypictures

Dune: Part One .

#Dune Tremendous, clean IP-Worldbuilding-vs-The-Future-Of-Cinema fun! Villeneuve at his most Villeneuve-ian here: everything is on such an IMAX-*epic* scale that you can't help but be awed by it all, c'mon people, this is a (half a😇?)movie that's meant to be seen on the biggest screen possible (just don't dwell too long on smaller aspects like characters, motivations, the book's palace intrigue etc. etc. etc.)…yeah, yeah, I know, everyone has a 100" OLED sitting in the comfort of their own home, but it's not the same, trust me, just not the same! I mean, you need to have your ears *blown* out by Zimmer's im/op-pressive score! And that sprawling cast, *all* our favourite people: Zendaya, Bautista, Bardem, Rampling, Brolin, but, man, is Skarsgard a proto-Jabba/Kurtz hoot, Isaac excellent as the loving(?!) father(?!!😲), Momoa kicks a** as only he can, Duncan-Brewster is enigmatically cool, Chalamet is Chal-awesome, and, Ferguson steals the whole dang sho...

Dream Horse .

#DreamHorse Wonderful, just simply wonderful. *Exactly* the kind of well-crafted, feel-good(-without-resorting-to-cheap-sentimentality) underdog story, filled-to-the-brim-with-colourful-characters-and-superb-actors that the Brits do oh-so well, and that we could all do with a bit more right about now. Fair play to director Lyn, editor Pearson, DP Wilson for making this thing so low-key enjoyable and putting the focus squarely on that awesome gang of actors. Collette is great(as always!), never resorting to caricature, nice to see Lewis on the opposite side of Axe, and some great turns from Phillips, Johnson, and all the rest, but gotta say Teale sorta quietly steals the show(*so* different than his turn on #GameOfThrones😲!). What a great watch, seriously, just fab! - - - #EurosLyn #JamiePearson #ErikAlexanderWilson #ToniCollette #OwenTeale #DamianLewis #KarlJohnson #SianPhillips #NicholasFarrell #DreamAlliance #DarkHorse @dreamhorsemovie @bleeckerstfilms

No Time to Die .

#NoTimeToDie Best (Allergy-Inducing😰)Bond, Ever! Okay, time for true confessions. Way back when, in the mid-aughts(if you can remember all the way back then), when they announced Craig as the new Bond I was so outraged I actually signed that Change Dot Org CraigNotBond petition. By rights, the great #CliveOwen should've taken over the shaken-not-stirred tux(I mean, had the producers not seen #Croupier…or that awesomely melancholic-heroic #WongKarWai BMW advert?!). And then the #CasinoRoyale…trailer! And, once again, I realised how wrong I was. So, yeah, with apologies to #RogerMoore, DC ended up being the Best Bond, Ever! And now, as his valediction, he gets a more-than-worthy good-bye courtesy of the Director-With-A-Capital-D Fukunaga, who, surprisingly, lets the emotions take precedence over the breathless action (even the single-take stairwell scene isn't too show-offy👍). And that pre-credits sequence, standing O🙌! And the cast is certainly up to the task: Malek(underused...

The Many Saints of Newark: A Sopranos Story .

#TheManySaintsOfNewark Good, clean #Detroit-Meets-#JudasAndTheBlackMessiah-Meets-#TheGodfatherII-By-Way-Of-#CasinoRoyale -Origin-Story fun. The gang you know(and perhaps no longer love😬 after rewatching #TheSopranos as a fellow middle-aged-bathetic-decliner[to paraphrase the NYT, but that's a story for another TBT day!]) is all here! Young … Sil (the hair gets its own origin story, and Magaro from #FirstCow!), Paulie (Magnussen 😂), Pussy, Christophuh, Artie, Carm, and, of course, Tony. Gotta hand it to Gandolfini Jr., the kid does his best filling some pretty impossible shoes👍 Stoll, Farmiga, De Rossi, and especially, Odom Jr.(he's *gotta* get his own spinoff, no?) are all aces. But, man, Nivola, given the opportunity to step up to lead, takes the opportunity with both hands. Been a fan since #FaceOff(*love* that movie!)! And, man, can we get a Liotta-aissance going, it's been simmering since #Narc! And, while we're at it, we *have* to get a sequel to ...

Academy Museum of Motion Pictures .

Finally, a museum about the one thing I can actually understand: movies! 😂👏🙏 PS. Talk about your nightmare come to life🦈🦷😱! PPS. Talk about your childhood flash before your eyes😲! PPPS. Pedro('s amazing Technicolor dreamstate)😍! PPPPS. A(n inadvertent) statement about the(tenuous😬😰) future of cinema?!  - - - #AcademyMuseum #MeetTheMovies #LosAngeles #CA - - - @academymuseum @theacademy  #museums #museum #movie #movies #film #films #cinema #art #history #photography #architecture (my idea of #culture😂)  #Oscars #Oscar #TheAcademy #AMPAS #Jaws #Bruce #ET #C3PO #R2D2 #StarWars #PedroAlmodovar #Almodovar  ...and *so* much more!!!

Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings .

#ShangChiAndTheLegendOfTheTenRings Terrific, clean martial-arts-meets-#GoT-#Marvel-Phase-4?/5?/6?/Infinity?! fun! I don't know where they found this kid Liu, but he makes for a winning leading man. Awkwafina is funny(as always, TBH *loves* #NoraFromQueens), Chen is heartbreaking, the great Yeoh is reassuringly bad-a**, and *no*one, but no one(and I mean *no*-bl**dy-one) does tragic romantic longing like Leung, but, dude, I have no idea where this other kid Zhang came from, but she steals the whole dang show! C'mon Disney Plus, where's the Xialing spinoff🤘?! • PS. The biggest movie in the States and it's *heavily* subtitled, either the corporate muckety-mucks didn't get the memo about the one-inch-tall barrier of subtitles, or Feige is a secret Bong-head(aren't we all😁?)👍! [Spoiler Alert!} Sir Ben, we just saw him the other day rewatching #TheSopranos, dude's *hilarious* (that "Liverpudlian" accent🤣!) "The trajectory of your lives is going ...

The Suicide Squad .

#TheSuicideSquad Not quite as horrible or beautiful as the marketing would have you believe (& WB marketing is *the* best!) but still absolutely terrific #Tarantino-meets-#TheDirtyDozen-meets-meta-superhero fun! And dude, hear me out, yeah #KingShark is awesome (and [literally]my nightmare come to life😱!), but I think that little bugger Sebastian sorta stole the show, no? Along with #Ratcatcher2 & #PolkaDotMan(remember Dastmalchian from #TheDarkKnight?! Wow😳!). All in all, good fun. [Spoiler Alert!] "What do you want him for?" "Just to save the [bleepin'] (streaming)world!" 😏 - - - #JamesGunn #MargotRobbie #IdrisElba #DanielaMelchior #DavidDastmalchian #ViolaDavis #SylvesterStallone #JaiCourtney #JohnCena #PeteDavidson #MichaelRooker #JoelKinnaman #NathanFillion #FlulaBorg #PeterCapaldi #SuicideSquad #SuicideSquad2 @thesuicidesquad @jamesgunn @wbpictures @hbomax

RIP Norm Macdonald .

RIP #NormMacdonald Like certain other men of a certain age, I was a big fan. I accidentally discovered him, back when I had little to no clue about #SNL, or #WeekendUpdate, or even, you-know-who(apart from the Naked Gun movies…). But I was instantly smitten by that weird, quirky rhythm, that irony-with-a-smile-that-doesn't-reach-those-cool-blue-eyes, that dark, subversive humour. So much so that I followed him to his sitcom(s, both of them), to his legendary talk-about-not-reading-the-room-or-wait-was-it-exactly-reading-the-room!? monologue at the #ESPYs, even that strange, meta sports show he did on #ComedyCentral… I guess at some point he became that dreaded/lauded comedian's-comedian(I need to ask my comedy-nerd friends what exactly that means), sadly, I stopped following him as closely at this stage, though I always enjoyed it when his talk show appearances made the rounds. True story, I saw him in Vegas, and I was terrified because I *loved* that guy, but su...

Sweet Girl .

#SweetGirl Good, clean socially-conscious-actioner-made-in-the-Greengrass-house-style-thanks-to-stellar-work-by-PG's-own-DP-Barry-Ackroyd fun. Plus, look at all that awesome #Pittsburgh(even if they chose the wrong #BlackAndYellow team to highlight🤪) scenerey. And, gotta say, Momoa and Merced make a great father-and-daughter team. PS. Jaffrey's criminally under-deployed here(and in most other places, too), c'mon Hollywood, do better! PPS. Arjona's *already* in her "Mom" phase?! C'mon Hollywood, do better! - - - #BarryAckroyd #BrianAndrewMendoza #JasonMomoa #IsabelaMerced #RazaJaffrey #AdriaArjona #AmyBrenneman #ManuelGarciaRulfo #LexScottDavis #JustinBartha #MichaelRaymondJames(great in the #WilliamForsythe role PS. RIP #Terriers😢) @brianandrewmendoza @netflix

RIP Michael K. Williams .

RIP #MichaelKWilliams Gone too soon, way too soon. So very, very sad. Just a couple days ago TBH and I saw him on The Sopranos("the Boonton Holiday Inn") and we both did what we've been doing in the years since we saw The Wire: sit up and exclaim "Hey, it's him!" Every time, from roles big to blink-and-you'll-miss-him(The Incredible Hulk!), we always sat up and took notice. Omar from The Wire…funny, when he showed up the first time, even though TW was already lore(as was the legions of people banging you over the head with "You *haven't* seen The Wire?!"), I did not know about him and his outsized presence(and…no, no spoilers here) was such a pleasant surprise, in an age where all surprises are spoiled before you even get a chance to enjoy them. That was part of the enjoyment, no?, "Who is this guy?!" to "Woah, who *is* this guy?!" It was a few years before he started popping up in high profile stuff, but the...

Reminiscence .

#Reminiscence Tremendous, clean #EternalSunshine-meets-#Inception-meets-#HardRain-meets-#Elysium-meets-#Brazil -meets-#Chinatown fun! The #Westworld gang's reunited and it feels so good. That's some feature debut from young Joy. And the cast gives it their all: Curtis(where's this on his ethnicity bingo card?), Wu(was his character called a Saint for those abs😳?!), #Wolverine(who makes for a fine tragic romantic hero), the great Ferguson(doesn't do her own stunts, but definitely does her own singing👏!), and Newton(who steals, the whole dang show). And, boy, talk about sticking the landing(😕🤤), somewhere fellow young Chazelle nods in approval👍 Wait, is this gigantic enterprise a metaphor(?allegory🤷‍♀️?) for dementia?! - - - #Lisa Joy #RaminDjawadi #JonathanNolan #RebeccaFerguson #HughJackman #ThandiweNewton #CliffCurtis #DanielWu #AngelaSarafyan #NatalieMartinez #BretCullen @reminiscencefilm @lisajoynolan @wbpictures @hbomax

RIP Charlie Watts .

RIP #CharlieWatts Per all the critics, one of *the* most important parts one of *the* most important rock n' roll bands of all time. Me? I'm no critic, but I loved that guy. Ever since I was a kid, for whatever reason(okay it was #TheBeatles cartoon and finding out how funny #RingoStarr was!) I always loved the drummer. And Watts was such a cool-cat customer, especially compared to his histrionic bandmates, how could you not love that guy?! After growing up hearing all about #TheRollingStones, the first CD(yeah, I'm *that* old) I bought of theirs was #VoodooLounge, only to discover, to my horror, that the version of "Love Is Strong" QBS had been playing was, in fact, a super-awesome remix, and the version of the album was nothing like it. But I gave the whole CD a listen(back then you had to listen to the *whole* thing), and it was actually pretty good…and then, snap-zoom/flash-cut forward *many* years and there's Ralph Fiennes in Guadagnino-Land,...

Nobody .

#Nobody Very good, very un-clean(😵!) I-didn't-have-#Odenkirk-on-my-#Neeson-late-stage-#ChekhovsGun(🤓😏)-one-man-action-bingo-card fun! Kudos to the DP and those delectable gleaming nighttime exteriors (and I normally whinge about digital cinematography). Kudos, too, to the kid director, who gets a second, ahem, shot, after the Hardcore Henry debacle and more than redeems himself. Kudos to the producers, who could've phoned it in as an DTV actioner; instead of doing a cheapie, looks like they put some serious cash in the budget. Who are these people👏?! Kudos, OMBG, *all* the kudos, to the great Lloyd, he of, ya know, the *original* #TheDreamTeam(🤓😏); first time I ever heard the term degausser, of course, I thought it was de-gas-ser, but that's a TBT story for another day… PS. So in Act I(according to all the screenwriting manuals I never read), our protagonist is supposed to be dissatisfied with his status quo, but the dude is happily married to a su...


#F9 "Just obey the laws of physics" Why start now 🤣?! Good, clean those-crazy-b**tards-finally-did-it-they-broke-the-final-frontier fun! Just switch off your brain and go with the *insane* flow(& whatever you do, don't get into a TBH-wait-why-did-X-happen? discussion afterwards😂!). So, wait, Fast and the Furious made it to space before Branson/Bezos/Musk?! Maybe they're just setting up F10: Dom v Billionaires in Space🤔🤣? Speaking of…the kid playing Dom's younger self is terrific! Maybe he can do a #YoungDiesel spinoff, keep it in the corporate family and pair it with #YoungRock on #NBC(as long as there are no crossovers😏)?! PS. Stay for the end-credits stinger🤭! - - - #JustinLin #CharlizeTheron #VinDiesel #MichelleRodriguez #VinnieBennett #JohnCena #NathalieEmmanuel #SungKang #TyreseGibson #Ludacris #JordanaBrewster #HelenMirren #KurtRussell #CardiB #Ozuna #SheaWhigham #MichaelRooker #LucasBlack (whew…anyone else😮?!) #Fast...

Space Jam: A New Legacy .

#SpaceJamANewLegacy Good, clean career-sequel-building fun. Man, I can't believe it's been how many years since #SpaceJam😱?! We took our nephew and the kid loved the movie…and now he's all grown up with a significant other, his own place, a Master's…when did that happen?! Yikes! Is it meta? I mean, they're making fun of the "algorithm"(Cheadle, having the time of his life, like he always does these days)…only to release it all on HBO Max…that's pretty meta, no? Wait, speaking of meta…the whole thing with the middle kid(Joe, stealing the show), that's not meta is it? Tell me #LeBron's the post-character-arc fun dad/teammate in real life😬🙏!!! PS. *Every*one hates Clippy, er, I mean Pete…Pete😂 PPS. "Somebody's gotta do something, just give me the ball!"🤣😳 PPPS. "Any device with a camera I can see you, if it's got a mic, I can hear you…"😱😱😱😱😱 PPPPS. RIP #MelBlanc😢🙏 - - - #MalcolmDL...

Roadrunner: A Film About Anthony Bourdain .

#RoadrunnerAFilmAboutAnthonyBourdain Decorous, well-mannered retrospective of a decidedly un-decourously-well-mannered if-he-wasn't-real-they'd-have-to-make-him-up-larger-than-life-all-too-human character. By now, Neville's a pro's-pro at this sorta thing, and he deploys his usual skill with great efficiency to bring Bourdain's remarkable life into (soft)focus. If you're searching for answers, look elsewhere(as one almost always must), if you want to be reminded of why you were such a fan in the first place, then, well, this is as good a place to start as any. I was lucky enough to have seen Bourdain live once, and he wasn't what I was expecting. Yeah, he was blindingly charismatic, yeah, everyone's eyes turned to him, but he wasn't the take-charge/no-prisoners, garrulous, suck-up-all-the-oxygen(boy, would he have hated this writing😬!) look-ma/at-me star the Q&A crowd had become accustomed to. Instead, he was thoughtful, funny, charming...

RIP Richard Donner .

RIP #RichardDonner Made *so* many of my favourite movies, in fact, he's that proverbial movie "soundtrack" to all our youths, no? Because of the vagaries(?📚) of growing up outside of the US where movie availability and release dates were intrinsically not intertwined, it's a little hard to pinpoint which was the first movie of his I saw, and when did I see it? Was it Superman II, which I'm almost positive I watched for *years* before Superman, but then again, was it his movie(?man, I gotta put that film degree to work sometime…). It wasn't Ladyhawke was it, sadly, it wasn't even Goonies(shhh…don't tell anyone…I watched it…in college😱!), was it, OMBG, it couldn't have been Omen, could it😳?! That's a story for another TBT day… At some point during that run between Goonies and Lethal Weapon 4, it must've seemed like every superbly-crafted, mainstream, mid-budget theatrical film was a Donner. Boy, what would Hollywood give for one o...

RIP Dilip Kumar .

RIP #DilipKumar My goodness, where to begin?! An absolute *pillar* of Indian cinema, in fact when you look at the impact he had on Indian movies, and the length of his career, you could make the case that he wasn't merely an *integral* part of Indian film history, he *was* Indian film history. That *impossibly* rare combination of giant movie star and great actor, he really was a hallowed name growing up, DilipKumar this, DilipKumar that, and, that incredible story from Didu about how nice he was to Ma and Mashi when they met him (there were pictures to boot😲!). A nice movie star?! Now that's truly impossible! He was well into his Grand Old Man phase when I started watching him, but he was still such a presence - that commanding gravitas but with a twinkle, none of that heavyhanded stuff for him - that you understood where the almost-mythic reputation came from. And then when you started catching up with the classics, yikes, then you knew, right, that's DilipKumar...

RIP Charles Grodin .

RIP #CharlesGrodin One of my *all*-time favourite leading actor? character actor? comedian? talk show guest? talk show host?…just all around favourite inimitable, irascible, interesting, characters. Just the other day TBH & I we were checking out both of our fave #MartinShort's career retrospective(😬er, sometimes it's better to appreciate the art, not go too deep into the artist…) during #TCMFF (thank you BatManuel!) and they showed scenes from Clifford(no, not *that* Clifford), and I was like, man, this looks hilarious, also, where is Chucky G, haven't seen him anything recently, I should look up what he's been up to… Sigh… I discovered him in…Beethoven…don't judge! It was a fun, funny movie(despite my film school's first-day "brilliant" dissection of the opening sequence reinforcing evil white male hegemonic patriarchy…but, uh, that's a story for another day😳) that made me a lifelong fan, and then, of course, the immortal Midnig...

Jallikattu .

#Jallikattu 😳😱😲🤭😵‍💫 Holy H*ll…literally! I mean, oh man, like, I, well, the thing is… The most insanest, craziest, gonzoest, brazenest, off-the-wallest, boldest, audaciousest…okay now my thesaurus app is beginning to heat up…simply *most*est movie of the year, any year🤗! And…it's from India🇮🇳! And…wait for it…it was submitted for the Best Foreign Film #Oscar! 😳 G*d bless whatever producer bankrolled this film and whatever entity decided to submit this to the #Oscars👏! I'd have given anything to have seen the looks on the faces of the voters more used to the kind of genteel, well-mannered, well-meaning desi films that usually make the fest/critics' rounds in the West😏 Look I don't want to resort to the kinds of easy stereotypes we used to in School, but the craftspersonship is absolutely *top*-notch, but then I wouldn't expect anything else from a South Indian film 😇 First of all, the directing! Man, this kid is something el...

Kapurush (The Coward) (1965) .

#TBT so how about a #Throwback Movie? 😁 #Kapurush (#TheCoward) (1965) Stunning, criminally underrated Ray. Man, I get my Underrated Ray's mixed up: #ShakhaProshakha, #Seemabaddha, #AshaniSanket, Kapurush, so I'm glad that the last was the only one available on streaming…what a way to start this collection of movies! What a perfectly calibrated, self-contained, emotional wallop. This is Ray's Noir, no?, so naturally this being a Bengali Noir the most important murder that takes place is of…the heart💔. *Stunning* restoration who(m?)ever did it! Not a blemish in all that lovely contrast-y saturated black and white👏! The cinematography, *luscious* black and white, with those interior(!) sweeping camera moves…#WongKarWai would approve👍. Right from the opening we're hit with a superb single-take, in a film full of great long-takes that all serve to focus your attention on the people within the frame, not the operator outside it. That slow, longing zoo...

Tom Clancy’s Without Remorse .

#WithoutRemorse Good, clean, dad-action(😳!)-movie fun. Me, I'm a sucker for Sollima's brand of tersely macho, just-the-bodycount-ma'am style of action, especially when it's combined with the lensing of the legendary Rousselot(oh, those drool-worthy nighttime hi-contrast/saturated exteriors). Just, ya know, don't think too hard, in fact, don't think at all about the plot, and you'll have yourself a good time. Also having a good time: Bell playing against type, the fantastic Turner-Smith who deserves a spin-off of her own(hey, what's another entry in the imminent TCCU gonna cost?), and the camera-meltingly charismatic Jordan. D*mn, dude💪! PS. That apartment-attack scene/sequence/mini-movie-all-of-its-own🤩! - - - #StefanoSollima #PhilippeRousselot #TaylorSheridan #Jonsi(yeah, the #SigurRos Jonsi!) #TomClancy #MichaelBJordan #JodieTurnerSmith #JamieBell #GuyPearce(great, in the GP role😇) Brett Gelman(yes, *that* BG) #ColmanDomingo @wi...

Satyajit Ray Centenary .

#SatyajitRay100 Look, sure, #Bengali(&, by definition, #Indian🤣) cinema is more than just #SatyajitRay, but any chance to celebrate this colossus is not to be missed! Check out #TCM, #Criterion, #HBOMax(?!😳🤩) to get a taste of his incomparable films! Can it have been all those years ago I was lucky enough to watch my first Ray on the big screen, at a film festival in the Middle East, the re-release of #GhareBaire?! Mummum saw, and (mostly)loved all of his movies (that moment when she broke out in perfect song when I mentioned *that* sequence from #Charulata, sigh...), Didu was a little more clear-eyed in her appreciation(as usual, her favourite catchphrase, "mondo na..."). But, thanks to them, I was able to get through the greatest hits, now, I gotta go watch *all* of them, it's my Bengali duty🤩! Speaking of greatest hits, I'd recommend some of the underrated ones once you get through the bold names: #DaysAndNightsInTheForest, #Mahanagar (#TheBi...

2021 Top 10 Films (1-10) .

2020 #Top10Films (1-10) 1. A White, White Day (Hvítur, hvítur dagur) 2. Quo Vadis, Aida? 3. Minari 4. First Cow 5. Collective (Collectiv) 6. Dear Comrades! (Dorogie tovarishchi) 7. Never Rarely Sometimes Always 8. Martin Eden 9. Sorry We Missed You 10. Soul - - - #Top10Movies #movies

2021 Top 10 Films (11-21) .

2020 #Top10Films (11 - 21) Another Round (Druk) Night of the Kings (La Nuit des rois) TIME Wolfwalkers Judas and the Black Messiah Gunda Feels Good Man Promising Young Woman Nomadland Preparations to Be Together for an Unknown Period of Time (Felkészülés meghatározatlan ideig tartó együttlétre) TENET - - - #Top10Movies #movies

2021 Top 10 Films (Misc) 3/3 .

2020 #Top10Films (Misc) 3/3 Best Rom-Dram: Two of Us (Deux) / My Octopus Teacher Most Netflix: Mank / Malcolm & Marie Best Sisters Are Doing It For Themselves: The Perfect Candidate Best (Overgrown)Boy Meets World: The King of Staten Island Best Daily Show: Irresistible Best We-Need-More George Clooney: The Midnight Sky Most 2020: Greenland / Little Fish Most Neon-Noir: The Wild Goose Lake (Nan Fang Che Zhan De Ju Hui) Best (Elevated)Horror(As Metaphor For…Hoarding😱): Relic Most Nerve-Shredding: The Outpost Most Action: Extraction Most Superhero: Project Power Best Inevitable Disney Live-Action Remake: Onward Best CU Launch: The Invisible Man (2020) Best Nic Cage: Color Out of Space Best At the Drive-In: The Wretched Best College Batchmate: 1BR / Silk Road Best Wait, Is It TV Or Is It HBO: Bad Education Best Quibi(RIP): #FreeRayshawn Best Bollywood: Shikara - A Love Letter from Kashmir / The White Tiger Because I'm a Sentimental Old Fool: Bad Boys for Li...

2021 Top 10 Films (Misc) 2/3 .

2020 #Top10Films (Misc) 2/3 Best Initials: MLK/FBI Best The Kids Are All Right: Boys State Best Life-Flashing-Before-Your-Eyes: 17 Blocks / Beastie Boys Story Best Documentary-ish: The Painter and the Thief / The Mole Agent Most Holy Bleep: 'Til Kingdom Come Most Herzog: Fireball - Visitors From Darker Worlds Most Inspirational: Crip Camp / John Lewis: Good Trouble / Slay the Dragon Best Good Boy: Love and Monsters Best Old Guys Rule: Let Him Go Best Western: News of the World Best Boomer: Greyhound Best Millennial: Palm Springs Best Rom-Com: The Broken Hearts Gallery / Superintelligence - - - #Top10Movies #movies

2021 Top 10 Films (Misc) 1/3 .

2020 #Top10Films (Misc) 1/3 Best 2019 Film Watched in 2020: Portrait of a Lady on Fire (Portrait de la jeune fille en feu) Best Acting: The Father Best You *Can* Go Home Again: Borat 2 / Borat Subsequent Moviefilm Most Awards Season: Sound of Metal Most Terrifying: The Dissident / The Assistant Most Homesick: Uncle Frank Best Play: One Night in Miami Best Eva Green: Proxima Best Kate Winslet: Ammonite Best Tahar Rahim: The Mauritanian Best Delroy Lindo: Da 5 Bloods Best Chadwick Boseman: Ma Rainey's Black Bottom Best Rosamund Pike: I Care a Lot / Radioactive Best Coen Sis: Blow the Man Down Best Tarantino: Bacurau Best David Lynch: What Did Jack Do? Best *Indie*: The Vast of Night Best Debut: Once Upon a River - - - #Top10Movies #movies

2021 Oscars Picks .

2021 #Oscar Picks  Who Will Win (Who  Should  Win) Picture: Nomadland (Minari) Director: Chloe Zhao, Nomadland (Lee Isaac Chung, Minari) Actor: Chadwick Boseman, Ma Rainey's Black Bottom (Anthony Hopkins) Actress: Carey Mulligan, Promising Young Woman (Andra Day) Supporting Actor: Daniel Kaluuya, Judas and the Black Messiah (LaKeith Stanfield, Judas and the Black Messiah) Supporting Actress: Yuh-Jung Youn, Minari (Maria Bakalova) Original Screenplay: Promising Young Woman (Minari) Adapted Screenplay: The Father (One Night in Miami / The White Tiger) Foreign Film: Another Round (Quo Vadis, Aida?) Documentary: My Octopus Teacher (Collective) Cinematography: Nomadland (Judas and the Black Messiah) Animated: Soul (Wolfwalkers) Editing: Sound of Metal ( 🤷‍♀️ ) Score: Soul (Minari) Song: Speak Now, One Night in Miami (Eurovision) Sound: Sound of Metal (Mank) Visual Effects: Tenet (Tenet) Production Design: Mank (The Father) Costume Design: Ma Rainey's Black Bottom (Mank) Makeu...